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The Power of Sharing

Taylor K Diez

Contrary to what you may believe, I am not jazzed about sharing my trauma, depression, or anxiety. And yet, I continue to unpack each of them on a public forum.

That is not to say that you need to broadcast your struggles for the world to see. However, you do not need to endure your pain in solitude. I started sharing small. During the toughest moments, I spoke with my mom, my aunt, my grandma, my spouse, and my girlfriends. I turned to each of them for different scenarios. I polled my brain to assess who too might have navigated similar situations or feelings. What I know is that all of them helped me to climb out of the negative mental space and into the light. They reminded me that I am normal, I am worthy, and I am loved.

I believe in the power of sharing our struggles, as often it reminds us that we are not alone. We are not the first and won’t be the last to fall down. Whether we find ourselves in a season of grief, trauma, or anxiety, I know that place can leave us feeling alone and abandoned. That dark place can crash over us and paralyze our bodies like quicksand, and yet the only path out is forward, one difficult step at a time.

For me, I know that the hard times inevitably lead to new heights and better views than I dreamed myself. I have found solstice in sharing the mountain and valley moments.

In a world where everything looks perfect from the outside, I pray that my stories will help you feel less alone. I pray that you realize that it is normal, and it is ok.

Love ya, mean it.




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