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Taylor K Diez

Maybe It is all in Your Head

With images, videos, and links plastered in front of our faces, so easily accessible at our fingertips, coveting is easier than ever. As we view something on a sign, phone, computer, ipad or even read it in a magazine or blog, we can easily start to dream of ourselves with x, y, and z.

But, the old phrase “the grass isn’t always greener” has never been more accurate. But also, the saying " beauty is in the eye of the beholder" reigns true as we often miss things right in front of our faces.

As I have reflected on many aspects of my life, I have never once wished that my story had been different. But, I do find myself coveting things that I envision wanting or lacking.

Often, I think of myself as small. I am from a long line of loud, courageous women who shine. Their beauty, wit, and candor has often made me feel jealous of my perceived lack there of. I constantly nit pick the traits I believe I was born without. However, a friend recently gave me sideways glance, when I expressed my sentiments. Not in a mean way, rather simply explaining that it is all in my head, and might not be how others see me.

She told me plainly that I am intimidating for my confidence and outgoing demanor, whereas I saw myself much closer to a wallflower waving in the wind. She saw something in me that I myself could not find, as I compared my charisma with others. I curated an idea in my head that I do not shine, rather I simply operate in the shadows. Yet, she said I was magnetic. Wait WHAT?!?!?!

I found myself dumbfound, as my eye twitched in disbelief. That is not to say that her words are necessarily the truth, but perhaps there is some merit to her sentiments. Perhaps, they were not just exaggerated thoughts of a friend, but rather there was truth inside.

So I urge all of you to look harder and dig deeper, as I am sure you are missing things right in front of you. Do not let your mind make you feel small, weak, or otherwise. Be realistic and let your light shine. But also, let other stand with you, bring them from the shadows, and share the sunlight, there is plenty to go around.




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